Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Je Suis Charlie

Today we witnessed yet another atrocity.  The difference is that this time, ( 9/11 apart) it's in our own  backyard. How many people in Europe and the UK ( I split the two) have said ' this could not happen here', "this will not happen here", "we will not allow it to happen here" ?  The burning news is that it is here and it is happening. A gunman (thug, terrorist, coward) in broad daylight, standing over an innocent and pumping bullets into him supposedly in the name of Allah? I am sure Allah has a completely different take on these heinous murders and will be withholding the seventy two virgins that fanatical male extremists  believe they are going to encounter when they go to that boudoir in the far beyond.

Time to wake up and really, really and smell the coffee.  Notwithstanding the murder of  British soldier Lee Rigsby at Woolwich Barracks, south east London by Michael Adebolaja and Michael Adebowale in 2013, I think many of us continue to believe that all is well in our world. Whilst some have fears and certain reservations when faced with bearded men in Muslim garb and women in total purdah, there are many more of us who would like to, and do believe, that your average Muslim is not a threat to our society.

So my challenge is to those who do not condone the actions of the extremists.  Instead of going on air and 'talking', put your money where your mouths are and join the protests.  Show us that you are peace loving as many I believe, are.  I feel this because I have Muslim friends.  Friends who cried when the Ayatolla  overthrew the Shah in 1979.  Friends whose weddings I have attended, whose babies I have held.  Friends who have said in reference to the atrocities, 'this is not true Islam'. Will those friends please stand up and be counted so that we do know and understand  that the faith you belong to is not about ruling the world, is not about hatred for anyone other than a Muslim brother (why are you slaughtering your own?) or that you will not rest until Islam is the only recognized religion in this world.


  1. ". . . that the faith you belong to is not about ruling the world, is not about hatred for anyone other than a Muslim brother (why are you slaughtering your own?) or that you will not rest until Islam is the only recognized religion in this world." is what the Christians in my country are all about.

    Religious extremism in any faith is sad and very, very, very sick. My father always said the only problem with the word of God (or whatever name you use) is how it is interpreted by MAN. And of late I frankly believe man has it totally wrong. We should take the teachings of faith out of their hands.

    1. I tried to respond earlier but it wouldn't take my name!! Wondered if I'd been hacked!!

      It is very, very sick and I don't condone extremism of any kind. I cannot believe that any Deity would have had this sort of mayhem in mind when it was decided to create. Man has over the years, done terrible things in this world. People managed to move on from atrocities of the Crusades, the Holocaust, ethnic cleansing etc... but I feel this time, things have gone too far. The world is a much smaller place now, technology in all forms and fashions is part of our lives, communications are easier and people have been known to learn how to fly an aircraft without wanting to know how to land it and not be questioned as to why.

      Thank you so much for sharing this blog..It seems that at long last I was able to write something meaningful. And thank you for your confidence in me.

  2. I couldn't agree more. Those of the faith that say "this is not Islam" need to stand up and condemn these cowardly monsters.

    1. Thank you gmw. We have seen Muslim protests since I posted this.

  3. I find it so sad that those who came to Europe or America, Canada, Australia, wherever, for a better life, are now turning their wrath on the very nations that sheltered them, just because those nations have a different belief system. Why come if you are not going to assimilate or accept the fact that the nations that are taking you in are allowing you to live and work there with your religion as long as you do not try to force it down the throat of others. Why not just choose a country that does allow your beliefs and go back there to live. These Islamist terrorists (sorry but that is what they call themselves) are forcing people to take a second look at allowing the immigration of certain groups. Sadly -- fair or not -- yes all Muslims are soon going to be tarnished with the same brush because of what these radicals are doing. Many of these terrorists are second generation. This is getting to be a dangerous and expensive trend. No one feels safe. If these people are going to be incarcerated it will cost the citizens of these countries a lot of money to keep them all in jail. This was never the intent when this immigration was allowed. And what about all the Muslims in refugee camps right now waiting for a chance to come to our lands? They are currently being persecuted by their own fellow Muslims. If we allow them in are their second generation sons and daughters then going to turn on us as well? Its a fair question that many are asking.
    Said Kouachi And Cherif Kouachi -- Murderers
    The terrorists are now dead as is another who killed 4 hostages in a grocery store. No one is safe anymore, nowhere. This is a plaque like no other I don't know how else to describe it. I won't even say RIP because where they are going there will be no virgins just Hellfire.

    1. Thank you Graycie for your input. Of course there has been a great deal more written about this since I posted. Muslim friends told me that Muslims have protested. It wasn't until I saw this that I was able to say 'this is what I have been waiting for.…/thousands-of-german-muslims-…

    2. "No one is safe anymore, nowhere."

      True, but, come on, what are the odds of any given American (at least) being a victim of terrorism? As I see it, our greatest threat isn't bombs are guns but cyber attacks.

  4. It Is indeed tragic that we now fear our neighbours; those terrorists are trying to put us against each other. They want to make us all suspicious of our neighbours,
    I do however disagree with people making fun of another's religion. I would not buy the magazine in question and I would not like anybody to make fun of my religion.

  5. Unlike Star, I very much wanted to buy the magazine, but I couldn’t find an English copy.

    I have zero idea that these people are influenced by protests. I grew up in Mississippi in the fifties and sixties, and the more people in other parts of the country protested, the more Southerners felt hated, isolated, and misunderstood, and these are not feelings that inspired one to change. What did inspire change in the South was having no choice; in other words, force.

  6. I understand now why the Florida gun shop owner upset you.

    We all have friends of many different origins or religions, we just must call them friends and see no difference.

    Violence on the other hand cannot be ignored.

    May you remain safe. May we all remain safe.

  7. I understand now why the Florida gun shop owner upset you.

    We all have friends of many different origins or religions, we just must call them friends and see no difference.

    Violence on the other hand cannot be ignored.

    May you remain safe. May we all remain safe.

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